Sunday, July 21, 2013

Don't Expect a Focus....

Greetings and salutations to anyone willing to read this blog. If you are expecting another blog that riffs on horrifically awful fan-fiction well... feel free to keep visiting the Pocket Dimension of Horrible Fanfiction. I promise I will continue to work with Johnel to rifle through misspelled crossovers, insane My Little Pony self-inserts and Mary-Sue laden Zelda crack fics.
That said I plan to make this blog a touch more... informative. True, this will still for the most part be a comedy blog and I will not hesitate to throw in a good pun or make a joke at a politician or game developer's expense if I feel it fits; however I will try to have a subject for each post backed by links, pictures, videos and a certain amount of facts. Note how I said each POST, not this blog overall. So don't be surprised if one week I'm comparing and contrasting Game of Thrones with the Ramayana and the next week I'm talking about why the United States Court system needs repair and on the weekend following that I'm covering the finer points of Adventure Time.
However, no matter what odd, slightly geeky subject I choose to tackle I intend to give it the respect it deserves and give a new spin on the subject while adding in a few too many jokes. All Told, Expect a good time.

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